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1Mercutio Araña 

Mercutio Araña

Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:15 pm
"It's another dead end here, nothing but cake recipes and accounts of old generals from ancient wars." Ernesto though to himself, as he searched his way through the Biblioteca Hueco's massive vaults of information; shelf after shelf lined with everything from binders full of insect innards placed in clear flattened laminated cards to fabled treasure maps leading to ancient fabled fortunes said to hold the secrets to humanity. His hand hovered over each item, his eyes reading the title and type of entry, ready to snatch up what he had been seeking for the last three hours. It seemed as though there was no type of organization in this part of the Biblioteca; books titled "The secrets of the Bermuda Triangle" sat next to video tapes documenting the merits of one type of bi-plane engine over an other.

Ernesto took a step back looking at the ever growing pile of materials, it had been an hour since he had decided to reorganize this section of the Biblioteca; since there was no type of attendant for the large information depository. As he glanced over to the plate on the wall which deemed this area the "Music" section he let out an audible sigh, the only item he found with any correlation towards music was a rather large book detailing how to use an Arrancar's Hierro to create an instrumental sound, similar to that of a violin or cello, by running a blade across the hardened skin. Ernesto had set that book over to the side, that way he could remember it for later on; although he had found one item that piqued his interest nothing else in the area did so.

As he took another item off the shelf, he looked back at the book he found earlier. It was a strange little hardback seeing as there no author listed on it, or a title either for that matter. There was only a visage of a hollow's mask on the front, with a bow from a stringed instrument slanted across the mask. He picked up the book off of the ground and took a nearby chair over to the pile of items that once filled the shelves and sat down, resting his feet on top of the debris and opening the book to the to the first page. "This should be interesting." Ernesto smirked as he drew his blade just as the book depicted.



Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:32 pm
Few other structures were as intriguing and marvelous as the Biblioteca Hueco, located in the massive, multi-tiered tower in the midst of Las Noches. Ancient documents, philosophical tomes, tales of fantasy, personal manuscripts and much more were nestled in every square inch of space the library had to offer. Among those high shelves there lurked a power greater than any raw show of physical force, known commonly as knowledge. Above all else, Silen knew an educated warrior was a proper warrior, as opposed to say, the mindless hordes of Hollows lurking around the Desierto Eterno, searching for their next meal. Creatures of that standard, with so little moral guidance to tune their actions, Silen thought of as being the farthest from understanding a true warrior's principal. No, there was definitely something more to being a fighter - an Arrancar, even - rather than brute force and skill with a blade.

It was for that reason that Silen Niebla did find himself often perusing the halls of Las Noches' library. An abundance of knowledge spread out before the entirety of Las Noches in the form of the Biblioteca Hueco, and yet so few Arrancar seemed to ever stay in those halls long. Always for necessity, Silen thought, one hand resting casually on the hilt of his blade. The Arrancar did little to hide his presence, stepping lightly as he always did, but otherwise walking in plain sight. Troublesome thoughts had soured Silen's face and any onlooker might have thought the raven haired Arrancar to be frustrated over the loss of a battle, or by some punishment from a superior, or some other trivial manner Silen did not care for. In truth, he was just in the process of finding a quiet place to sit and maybe read a stray novel or two.

Turning around the corner of one set of bookshelves, Silen came to a sudden halt. The purposefulness in his stride vanished in the blink of an eye and the irritated expression he wore turned into one of astonishment. A few meters ahead another library-goer was sitting, quite casually, surrounded by piles of books, binders, and other old pieces of literature. Silen was taken back by the sight, noticing several of the shelves beside the bald headed man were emptied. "W-what is this?..." the Arrancar gawked aloud, assuredly alerting the other Arrancar in the room of his presence if he wasn't seen or heard beforehand. It seemed there would hardly be any time to relax and read a novel while part of the library laid in shambles. Silen then turned to the dark skinned stranger, whom he thought looked vaguely familiar, and examined the nonchalant demeanor about the man. "Excuse me, stranger. Is there a reason you decided to tear these shelves apart?" the Arrancar groaned, arms crossing over his chest as he awaited an answer.



Tue Feb 05, 2013 10:39 am
Skipping, skipping, skipping~! This was how Plata usually made her way through Las Noches when she was in a good mood. Most low-ranking Arrancar avoided her and ran away, cowering in fear, remembering what had happened the last time she had been in a good mood. Memories of tearing the former Novena and Octava's arms and legs off with her brute strnegth filled her mind. Ah... good times. She didn't undesrtand why everyone ran away screaming for their mothers, though. She just wanted to play around! So what if they lost a couple of limbs. They could grow those back, right? Plata shrugged, still enjoying the screams. Those were nice, they created a nice ambiance. The Espada felt like exploring. She wanted to see the expanses of Las Noches. There were several places that she hadn't really seen. They had been remodeled after she had gone through one of her many tantrums. This was a common occurance. Barragan had already given up on preventing such things from happening.

The Library itself had fallen victim to this, though that had been some time ago. Since then, however, Plata hadn't really been there. She hadn't really found a reason to go there. In fact, she had very much forgotten that the place even existed, that is, until now. She headed down the halls, still skipping, towards the general direction of the Biblioteca Hueco. Her business there? None, really. She was just curious like the child she was... or sort of was. Her physical appearance said otherwise. It was one of those things that were conflicting in her - the contrast between her mind and body. But again, she paid no mind to this. In Plata's eyes, this was perfectly normal. As she entered the library, her eyes widened.

So many books... After a few seconds, something in her snapped. It was this little urge that was slowly growing, telling her to ring chaos to the quiet little room. It was just... all so neat. She felt the irresistable urge to knock the perfectly placed and alpabetized books off of their shelves. They were boring, after all. Nobosy liked books without pictures. No one would really mind, right? Plata smiled mischievously. "Time to play!" She yelled at the top of her lungs as she began to run through the aisles, knocking down everything in her path while laughing and screaming loudly. All the while, she sang "I'm a Little Teapot," one of her favorit songs.



Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:34 am
Norkia was sleeping at a table with a few books in front of him. He had been in the archives for days passing the times with a little semi-education. In fact, he had promised the keeper of the library he would look over it while he dealt with some business. He had watched the strange arrancar rearrange the library, but dozed off before he could figure out who he was or what he was looking for. Then again Norkia could care less what some random ass arrancar was doing unless it was trying to kill him even then he was never truly concerned he had ways of getting out of a bad situation. This generally meant killing his opponent or retreating so that he wouldn’t have to reveal his skills too much before he earned his way into the Espada. Norkia snapped awake at the sound of someone’s voice. The man was upset about something, but that was no excuse some people were trying to sleep. He glared up at the man, and would have said something if he had not seen the loud man approach the bald man. Norkia raised his brow this was going to be good maybe he should thank the man for awakening him; it was always fun to see someone else fight. Then again a few hours ago… possibly a few days ago he promised to take care of the place so if they got to aggressive he would have to attempt to kick them out. Why was he always in situations like this he wanted nothing to do with these men and yet he would possible be caught in between a fight. Maybe it wouldn’t escalate that far then again when was his luck ever that good.

All of a sudden he was distracted from the two men by the sound of a book dropping and melodious singing. Oh no not again, Norkia squeezed the bridge of his nose with a small frown as he watched the strongest member of the Espada by numbers single handedly dismantle the rest of the library. What the hell was wrong with these people did they all have mental problems. One guy has to use books as a foot stool, the other guy is loud, and of course there is a violent woman-child roaming the halls looking to cause mischief and mayhem. Norkia began to contemplate how he would deal with these problems without altercation. The best choice would be to let things run their course, but then there would be no books on the shelves and he would have a hell of a night ahead of him. Suddenly Norkia had a plan using his stealth skills he silently made his way to the front librarian’s desk and sat down. He looked around him and found a pair of big glasses, and a really small book he put on the glasses and looked around him. He saw “0” knocking down books without a care, and he did what any reasonable librarian would do in this situation. He put a finger over his mouth and whispered,“SHHHHHHHH" then pointed at the amazingly long rules sign that he wondered if the Espada could read.

5Mercutio Araña 

Mercutio Araña

Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:40 pm
While skimming through the nameless book he had found earlier Ernesto's interest had been piqued. The book its self was a very curios piece, something that he might want to take; although he had no idea if the Biblioteca had any sort of checkout system or if it's information was left out to the Arrancar to take as they wished. He imagined that if there was a bookkeeper of sorts they would have to be powerful enough to make the Espada themselves think twice about how they treated the artifacts and histories left here. A smirk crossed his face as he realized the irony of that thought while he used the contents of some nearby shelves as a foot rest; he had a good reason to take it all down. He could have arranged it while taking it down first but that thought had only just crossed his mind. His eyes shifted back towards the book in his left hand and he continued to read on.

As the Espada became more and more vested into the book he had, someone called out to him. "Excuse me, stranger. Is there a reason you decided to tear these shelves apart?" Without looking up from his tome Ernesto pointed towards the information plaque that designated this area as the music section of the information vaults. He continued to read on in tell the end of the page, checking what page number he was on before closing it. "As you can see," Ernesto calmly stated "this is meant to be the music section of the Biblioteca Hueco." As he spoke he leaned forward and plucked two books from the pile he had his feet resting on. "I don't think that 'More rabbit suicides' and 'One hundred and one to perform surgery using dynamite' belong anywhere but the novelty section." As he finished speaking Ernesto looked up to see who he was talking to; a slender man stood before him, with long black hair and his arms folded in front of him. The man seemed upset about the mess that was resting underneath the Espada's feet, he was probably unaware of Ernesto's intentions to rearrange the section properly.

As he stood up the remains of his hollow mask jingled lightly around his neck, like a necklace. Just as he began to introduce himself he was interrupted by a loud crash, which was followed by "Time to play!" being hollered at the top of a certain Espada's lungs. "I can assure you," Ernesto claimed "that my intentions here were much less troublesome than hers." I am- A loud shush from another person, who looks as if he had been napping, had cut him off as he tried to introduce himself to the other Arrancar for the second time, as more items were thrown from the shelves further down one of the many hallways splintering off from each central area.



Tue Feb 05, 2013 7:32 pm
At first, the only response Silen received was a pointed finger from the bald headed stranger. Cautiously did the Arrancar's gaze follow in the designated direction, drawing Silen's attention to a golden plaque which read 'Música'. So, this man was interested in music? Silen didn't know what to make of the findings until the stranger began to explain himself, essentially stating that the library was in dire need of arrangement. "Well, I suppose...that makes sense," the raven haired Arrancar replied to the stranger's explanation, any harshness in his voice turning into partial agreement. Sure, the Biblioteca Hueco might have needed the rearrangement but Silen couldn't help thinking someone else would have that responsibility, certainly not the stranger lounging amidst the piles of books. An Arrancar librarian? Now that would be something worth a laugh. Returning his focus to the matter at hand, again, Silen thought the man looked familiar but he couldn't quite but his finger on where he had seen the dark skinned Arrancar before. Time would prove to answer the question, no doubt.

Feeling a bit defeated, Silen straightened his posture defensively when the other Arrancar rose up out of the chair. There was no telling how hostile some of his brothers-and-sisters-in-arms could be, and even though the stranger had been composed all the while, Silen didn't let his guard down. The stranger opened his mouth as if to speak but a ruckus of falling books and other debris being thrown around interrupted the entire exchange. Silen quickly turned around to assess the source of the racket but all he saw was the form of a young girl running about the isles of shelves, toppling things over as she frolicked and sang. "Err--a...child?" Silen adorned a look of confusion. Who in the blazes let a child into Los Noches? Surely there was some incompetent lower class soldier to blame for the transgression or perhaps the little Arrancar had sneaked her way into the fortress herself. When the dark skinned stranger spoke up once more Silen turned and listened to the man's words, further solidifying Silen's guess that he wasn't there to make trouble. Well, that was one mystery solved but the little Arrancar was still running around making far too much noise for her own good. "If she goes on like that, the entire library is liable to collapse," the Arrancar groaned. Silen almost stepped in to intervene but someone from the sidelines took the first strike.

A threatening shush filled the room which was obviously directed at the playful Arrancar but Silen doubted she could even hear over the cacophonous racket she was making. The raven haired Arrancar sighed a tired sigh and then proceeded to rest his palm on the hilt of his sword again. "Never a dull moment," he muttered under his breath, contemplating whether or not to get directly involved. If anything, Silen knew he would be obligated to clean up a portion of the library out of common courtesy.

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