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Sat Dec 29, 2012 2:30 pm
Zanpakutō Information
The Zanpakutō is the trademark weapon of the Shinigami. It is capable of cutting spiritual bodies, and are one of the few weapons that can damage hollows. Each Shinigami carries a Zanpakutō. Each of these Zanpakutō are unique, as the swords are both reflections of the Shinigami's soul and power, and a sentient being unto themselves. The Zanpakutō is born with the Shinigami, and will die with them. The Zanpakutō has two forms of power up, which the Shinigami can release as their strength and their bond with the Zanpakutō increases.

The Shinigami have developed their own style of fighting based around wielding their Zanpakutō, known as Zanjutsu. It is a style that combines the techniques of the most talented of old earth Samurai with the ancient ways of the Shinigami. In addition, there is an art known as Jinzen, where the Shinigami mediates with their Zanpakutō. This allows the Shinigami to enter their Inner World, allowing them to converse with and train with their Zanpakutō.

The Zanpakutō's personal information, including their personality, appearance, sealed form and inner world are all part of the Shinigami's application. Details on this can be found here.

The Shikai is the second form (or first "upgraded" form) available to a Zanpakutō. To activate it, the Shinigami needs to learn the name of their Zanpakutō. This is not as easy as simply picking a name, the Zanpakutō is a living spirit, and as such it already has a name. Therefore, the Shinigami must be able to communicate and harmonize with their Zanpakutō, as well as being able to enter their inner world at will.

The Zanpakutō changes shape and gains special abilities while in Shikai. These abilities are unique to each Zanpakutō. The achivate Shikai requires at least Apprentice rank in both Zanjutsu and Zanpakutō. Once the Shinigami reaches both these stats, they may learn the Incomplete form of their Shikai. To do this, the Shinigami must first app their Shikai using the template below. Once it is approved the Shinigami may train their Incomplete Shikai. Learning this form of shikai takes at least 1500 words. The Shinigami can only sustain their Incomplete Shikai for eight turns. Once this time elapses, the Shinigami's Shikai deactivates, and they must wait five turns before using it again.

The complete form of the Shinigami's Shikai can be used once they reach Adept rank in both Zanjutsu and Zanpakutō. At this point, the Shinigami may learn to properly control their Shikai. Learning this form of Shikai takes at least 2000 words. The Complete Shikai can be sustained indefinitely.

The Shinigami can app up to four Shikai techniques when they first submit it for approval, but they can only train one of these initially. They gain an additional slot once they hit Intermediate rank in Zanpakutō, allowing them to learn another one of these techniques. Once they reach Complete Shikai, they gain an additional two slots, allowing them to learn a total of four Shikai techniques. Additional Shikai technique slots can be purchased using Soul Points.

The template that must be filled out for Shikai is as follows;
Shikai Template:

The Bankai is the third form (or second "upgraded" form) available to a Zanpakutō. To activate it, the Shinigami needs to be able to forcefully materialise their Zanpakutō's spirit and defeat it in combat. It is the ultimate form of the Zanpakutō, and one very few Shinigami can obtain.

The Blade changes shape once more, and gains additional special abilities while in Bankai. These abilities are unique to each Zanpakutō. To achieve Bankai requires at least Master rank in both Zanjutsu and Zanpakutō.

Once the Shinigami reaches both these stats, they may learn the Incomplete form of their Bankai. To do this, the Shinigami must first app their Bankai using the template below. Once it is approved the Shinigami may train their Incomplete Bankai. Learning this form of Bankai takes at least 5000 words. The Shinigami can only sustain their Incomplete Bankai for Eight turns. Once this time elapses, the Shinigami's Bankai deactivates, and they must wait six turns before using it again.

The complete form of the Shinigami's Bankai can be used once they reach Transcender rank in both Zanjutsu and Zanpakutō. At this point, the Shinigami may learn to properly control their Bankai. Learning this form of Bankai takes at least 8000 words. The Complete Bankai can be sustained indefinitely.

The Shinigami can app up to four Bankai techniques when they first submit it for approval, but they can only train one of these initially. They gain an additional slot once they hit Grandmaster rank in Zanpakutō, allowing them to learn another one of these techniques. Once they reach Complete Bankai, they gain an additional two slots, allowing them to learn a total of four Bankai techniques. Additional Bankai technique slots can be purchased using Soul Points.

The template that must be filled out for Bankai is as follows;
Bankai Template:

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