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1Lastrada Tova 

Lastrada Tova

Sun Oct 20, 2013 8:47 am
Ferocidad Del Dragon:

Segunda Etapa:

Last edited by Lastrada Tova on Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:31 pm; edited 11 times in total

2Lastrada Tova 

Lastrada Tova

Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:22 pm
Okay, that took awhile but that should cover ALL my freebie skills. :3

3Alaric Herrman 

Alaric Herrman
3rd Batallion General

Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:00 pm

Your releases are still under discussion.

4Alaric Herrman 

Alaric Herrman
3rd Batallion General

Wed Oct 23, 2013 5:58 pm
Muerte desde arriba ~I don't understand, maybe it is the wording of the sentence. Is it allowed to be used from any angle?

Onda de choque feroz de rabia~ You must describe how wide and large the AOE is.

Báñese en la sangre~ Is fine if you remove reaction speed. That is giving you a +1 to perception without saying it.

5Lastrada Tova 

Lastrada Tova

Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:24 pm
Alaric Herrman wrote: Muerte desde arriba ~I don't understand, maybe it is the wording of the sentence. Is it allowed to be used from any angle?

Retroceso del dragón ~ First off this does not follow the Teir system. If someone blocks it with the same level Technique it is just simply negated. Also how would on measure 20 meters push back. A general description of it would do better. Just to allow the other person to role play accordingly. A sentence as "The technique causes the person to fly back a great amount."

Onda de choque feroz de rabia~ When affecting another player you just need to make a general description, when the technique is an AOE as this you must describe how large the AOE is.

Báñese en la sangre~ Is fine if you remove reaction speed. That is giving you a +1 to perception without saying it.
Muerte~ That is exactly what the Spell says.."From any angle" The angle doesn't make the attack, the manor of the attack makes the attack. It's basically just a charge using the flight of her wings.

Retro~ You just told me it was fine...

Onda: Made the range more clear..

Banese en la sangre: Changed.

6Alaric Herrman 

Alaric Herrman
3rd Batallion General

Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:33 pm
Lastrada Tova wrote:
Ferocidad Del Dragon:

Segunda Etapa:

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