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Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:11 am
In order for one to get better you have to constantly train. In order to train one has to be passionately competitive. In order for one to be competitive they have to have a strong sense of pride. In order to have pride you have to have a stubborn will. In order to have will you have to have a purpose. Purpose is the genesis.

Yojimbo felt he had a strong sense of purpose currently and that is the reason why he was going to season his skill set. At this point of his shinigami career he admittedly was considerably weak, in a lot of areas, but Yojimbo was smart. If he was going to be a powerful shinigami in his own right, then he would have to play to his strengths. He knew he could cultivate towards his weakness or categories that he lack dedication toward, but for what?

Doing so made your weaknesses a bigger liability, once you as a warrior have estblished your strengths. THEN you can tend to heal your shortcomings, but until then your strengths should be your main priority. For, Yojimbo he was going to strengthen something that he regarded as a core trait. It was an asset of his he couldn't afford to let diminish, instead it was time to invest into it and watch it grow like a healthy stockmarket portfolio.

Of course this advantage he spoke of was speed. Speed was a gamechanger. It separates the combantants who almost had it, to the individuals that have it. A mere fraction of a second can determine if you live or if you die. Yojimbo didn't want to be that person who was on the bad end of that fraction of a second. Although he had his targeted principle he didn't have the how.

How was he going to build his speed up today, for the first three months so far he has been focusing on both the physical aspect and the intangible. The intangible being his reiryoku and conjoining it with his tangible movements. So far he is only capable of performing to a much lesser degree a form of shunpo, the Tobu. However he wanted to be able to perform a variation technique of the shunpo, the Fuzen Shunpo.

The technique was the next ladder to breakthrough in his path to the fastest blade in the Seireitei.

Currently the lion shined bright in the sky due to the cloudless atmosphere, Yojimbo stood surrounded by four large walls of slab that created a abundant fifty meters by fifty meters of open space covered in neatly trimmed grass. Each wall was at least 50 feet in stature and covered in a thatch roof common to the Seireitei. At Yojimbo's back stood a large wall with a double door entrance into the training ground that was typically used for hado.

For now Yojimbo was the only constituent in the vicinity and probably would be for the next several hours according to the academies scheduling. Standing confidently the shinigami's chocolaty milk duds scanned over the open area thinking of ways he could push his self and take his level of Hoho to another plateau.

'So here is where the fastest blade of the Seireitei will start. I need to challenge myself, push the limits of my body.'

[Thread entered & started]
[Word Count - 550]

2Ryou Kurosawa 

Ryou Kurosawa

Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:52 am
“Yippy!!!! We get to run around and move really fast today. It shall be so much fun bouncing everywhere like one of those tiny human pinball thingys.” The squealing voice of the more feminine yet more psychotic part of Ryou’s spirit Ningy was sprinting all over the inner workings of his mind like a mad man. The Captain shook his head with an exasperated sigh as he just rubbed his forehead, and listened to the noise that seemed to go back and forth in his mind. Going into the fore ground, and then fade into the background… and then vice versa. Until suddenly out of no were another voice screamed, “Would you please for all that holy shut up you stupid fool! I am getting tired of your constant screaming.” Sukai’s voice rang through his skull with her loud yelling, in that typical tomboyish accent. Ryou couldn’t help, but laugh even more as his Zanpakuto’s arguing got even more noisy as they neared the training hall. In’ei for her part just sat back and kept quite using being the silent and more sage like one. They were about one thing though; today they were going to work on speed… it was the one thing he adored most of all, yet for some reason even after learning it and coming this far… he had not mastered it to the level he had thought.

That was why he was here… to train, and become faster. The Captain wasn’t wearing his hatori today, but his unusual style of dress gave away who he was. Plus Kurosawa always found his favorite suit was a bit more aerodynamic than standard Captain’s fair anyway. The doors to the training hall up ahead seemed to loom over the man as he walked up towards them, and noticing that they were closed he wondered if there was someone inside. The idea instantly put a grin on his face as he wondered if they would be someone who he could play with. Frankly he had not checked the schedules when it came to the training hall, and to tell the truth he really didn’t care at all. What mattered to him was making sure that he could move faster for the sheer entertainment value that doing so provided. With that thought in mind he put one hand in his pocket and rested the other on the hilt of his blade, before kicking the door open gently with his foot as he walked in. Noticing a Shinigami sitting in the middle of the training area that he did not recognize, the first words out of his mouth were, “Ahhh fresssh meat.”

The man could hear in his head Ningy was cheering, “Yippy Yippy… we get a new toy to play with today after all. I just knew that we would oh I just knew that we would. I wonder if we should test him. Test him Ryou-kun, test him Ryou-kun.” The Captain knew exactly what his blade meant by test the other… it meant a surprise attack. Which frankly he didn’t see anything wrong with… he had done it before to test and train the lower rank Shinigami. To keep them on their toes so to speak, though he had never hurt anyone while doing it which was another reason he didn’t find it to be all that wrong. So after giving it some thought the Captain just shrugged his shoulders and said out loud, “Why not?” There was a certain resignation in his voice as he looked towards the other again reverting to his more child like nature, “Why hello there, how are you doing on thisss fine morning? What isss your name?” Though by that point he had gotten to were he was within 7 meters of other male and used his Fuzen Shunpo… suddenly in the others face he said, “You have to do better than that to dodge attacksss my friend.” His words were spoken at the same time that Ryou tried to hit him in the side with Tsukihirate.
Fuzen Shunpo:




Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:00 pm
Thinking assertively, Yojimbo had a theory about speed, such a simple word was complex muscle mechanics. It was point A to point B, but also a network of highway communication. That's when still waters had churned into a raging tempest.


Almost lost in drowning thoughts Yojimbo barely caught the sound. His senses collectively pinpointed a guest. A distinct looked was now etched into his visual memory bank.

"Why not?"

His ears then recorded and stored in his audio memory bank a distinct voice. Yojimbo didn't know the distance between the two of them at this point, but the other still had some ground to cover before they were actually face-to-face. No worries?

Suddenly the man's form flicked, and flicked.....and flicked. He closed fast. For Yojimbo his level of speed was of a different class. Still the shinigami had enough time where he could react, most would try to dodge and avoid the damage. This damage Yojimbo took was a necessary evil. He did his best by shifting his arm and body around via ducking of the shoulder in order to roll with the powerful palm thrust.

"You have to do better than
that to dodge attacksss my friend.”

Upon contact the large frame of Yojimbo's had been easily lifted and sent airborne for fourteen feet before his person skidded off the ground. Recovering to the best of his ability, the death dealer rolled thrice more times before resiliently rising to his feet. Although damaged it gave Yojimbo good insight.

First, the speed he had attacked with was not so easily traceable, Yojimbo barely could follow him. Second, the power he hit with was stronger than any unseated or seated shinigami that had ever hit him with.

Standing firmly upon the earth Yojimbo had smirked at the man, the crevice of his mouth hung slightly higher on the right. Even his thoughts were cut short by the sudden ambush; the queries asked however did not fall on deaf ears.

"This mourning has been interesting......"

The shinigami's right hand would pop his neck. Majority of the shinigami in the soul society that would have taken that strike would have instantly taken what just transpired as personal. Was this the challenge Yojimbo was seeking?

"Nothing like a good morning wake up. As for my identity,
I am an unseated officer of the first division, Tsukino Yojimbo."

His eyes throughout the brief exchange of words remained vigilant upon the situation. The chocolate pools within his eye sockets had burned with a mythical rage; this unidentified man had awakened the dragon from within.

Explosive, this is what defined how Yojimbo legs had burst toward his target, as his lower limbs were eating up the six meter distance. Simultaneously his left thumb had vaguely popped the blade from its sheath. His right hand had gripped the hilt as he made his rapid approach. At about a one meter separation....


Yojimbo's sword quickly left the home of its sheath, sweeping his cutting edge from left to right, it was a perfect horizontal cut aimed to severe his opponent in half if his attack connected. but what the competition didn't know was the reiryoku building in the shinigami's lower extremities.

[Word Count - 1,086]

4Ryou Kurosawa 

Ryou Kurosawa

Fri Feb 15, 2013 2:24 pm
The Captain was never a person to underestimate someone’s abilities, which was why he didn’t let his guard down even after his attack, had connected. Ryou found a few times that even the weakest Shinigami could because you pain if you were not careful during training. Plus Kurosawa could tell that there was something different about this one, and frankly it almost made him wish the other male had joined his Division. The Mad Dog always enjoyed having Shinigami who seemed to enjoy a good fight, since those were the easiest to be able to lure out to play. There was something else about this one too, which the man wondered about as the other stood up. He wasn’t quite sure yet, and he knew that he wouldn’t be until they had crossed blades for a longer period of time, but maybe he was looking a kindred soul. At least when it came to fighting style anyway… well such contemplating where all things that could be done at a later time, since now he was simply here to train as well as teach the other if he wanted to learn. So with that thought in mind the Captain drew his Zanpakuto form its sheath and waited.

Kurosawa had decided to forgo the use of his Shikai or any of his abilities until he knew his enemy better. Holding onto his sword he watched the other stand up and shake off his injuries, deciding that he would increase the amount of force with which he hit next time. The last attack had not been enough to really affect the unseated Shinigami, plus not only that but the other seemed to have a certain cockiness that Ryou found annoying. This was especially the case when his opponent referred to himself as an ‘unseated officer’… in fact at the very mention of the words Ryou’s demeanor changed completely into his very very serious mood that he usually reserve for less fun combat. “Really now boy… I hadn’t anything about your promotion recently? Hmmm… or did I jussst not get the memo Yojimbo-chan. Becaussse I didn’t know that one could be an officer and unssseated at the sssame time.” He started to laugh in his most maniacal yet playful sound manner, ”Wow they just seem to change the rules around here all the time don’t they.” The Captain had almost forgotten to pay attention to his opponent, until sudden the other was right on top of him. His movement to defend against the attack was made by slashing his sword upwards to block so that the blades connected before it cut him in two. Then suddenly the Captain jumped back and held his sword up to defend.

Suddenly though he began to speak, though the only thing that showed he was slightly surprised was one visible eye, “Oh… it seems we have sssomeone with some fight in them. We thinksss they just tried to kill us though.” The Captain in an almost school girlish manner, “No no no no now, that just won’t do at all. You are not allowed to do that sssilly boy, but I guess that makesss it all the more fun for me and you…. Right little Yojimbo-chan.” Ryou could hear Sukai screaming in his head, “Let me at him, let me at him. I sweat I am going to rip that little runt a new one for supirsing my little squirt. I am the only one allowed to do that. Give him a taste of my fist Ryou… let me come out there and….” Suddenly the sounds were muffled as Ryou knew that the other two were taking care of shutting up Sukai, which meant that he could more focus on the little problem that was in front of him. Holding up his sword in a defensive postion as he waited for the other to come so that he would have a better idea of what to do.


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