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Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:31 am
Name: Kanmandageki
Type: Offensive|Zanjutsu
Rank: Amateur
Range: The user's Blade
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: 2 posts
Description: Kanmandageki is a basic technique used by practitioners of Zanjutsu. Kanmandageki is a powerful sword swing with the blunt side of the blade, designed to daze and confuse individual the Practitioner wishes not to inflict serious harm upon.

Name: Tsukihirate
Type: Offensive|Hakuda
Rank: Amateur
Range: Self, with the shockwave having a range of 5 metres.
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: 2 posts
Description: Tsukihirate is a basic rank strike, used by practitioners of the Hakuda way of fighting. It is a palm thrust, which, similar to Hadō #1: Shō, sends out a shockwave that can knock it's target back several feet, even without direct contact. Direct contact, however, can send the target flying back a significantly further distance.

Name: Tobu
Type: Supplementary|Hohō
Rank: Amateur
Range: Up to twenty metres
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: 2 posts
Description: Tobu is a basic movement technique. It allows the Shinigami to kick off the ground with much more force than normal, allowing them to leap many metres into the air. They do this by flooding their legs with Reiryoku and then firing it into the ground as they kick off. This allows the Shinigami to get airborn rapidly, as well as to approach an enemy with speed.

Name: Kagi no Senkaimon
Type: Supplementary|Chikaku
Rank: Amateur
Range: Inter-dimensional
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: None
Description: Kagi no Senkaimon is a technique designed to allow the user to travel in-between Soul Society and the World of the Living by opening the Senkaimon. To perform it, the Shinigami merely has to thrust their Zanpakutou forwards, and then turn it to the right like a key. This will open the Senkaimon before them, and produce a hell butterfly to guide the Shinigami to their destination. Only Shinigami can travel through the Senkaimon. This technique cannot be used in combat.



Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:18 am

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