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Tue Jan 01, 2013 4:48 am
The Zanpakutō is the trademark weapon of the Shinigami. It is an extension of the Shinigami's soul, a mighty living blade capable of cutting spiritual bodies and transforming into enhanced states known as Shikai and Bankai. The Arrancar are hollows that tried to acquire Shinigami powers, and as such, they too, wield a Zanpakutō. However, unlike the Shinigami Zanpakutō, a living blade with it's own soul, it's own personality and it's own will, the Arrancar Zanpakutō is the Arrancar's former hollow powers sealed in sword form. However, while in this state, the Arrancar Zanpakutō functions the same as a Shinigami Zanpakutō, allowing them to engage in sword on sword bouts using their own version of Zanjutsu, known as Arte de la Espada.

Resurrección: Primera Etapa
Resurrección is the art of returning the Arrancar's former hollow powers. The Arrancar Zanpakutō is merely the form their hollow powers take while sealed, and by releasing these locks, the Arrancar can gain back their former powers. However, this is not a simple process. Like the Shikai and Bankai of the Shinigami, this must be learned. Simply releasing all the locks on the sealed power would kill the Arrancar, they must refine their bond with their sealed powers, allowing them to access them gradually.

Primera Etapa is the first of these forms. Like other transformative states, it comes in an incomplete form and a complete form. The first form is Primera Etapa Incompleta. The Arrancar may learn this form once they are at least Apprentice rank in both Resurrección and an auxiliary technique. The secondary technique requirement depends on the type. A Primera Etapa based around a kidō style technique would require Estruendo, a punching style would require Combate, etc. Once you have at least Apprentice rank in Resurrección, you may app your Primera Etapa. Once it is approved, the staff member will decide what auxiliary skill is required. Once this skill reaches Apprentice rank as well, you may learn your Primera Etapa Incompleta. Learning Primera Etapa Incompleta takes at least 1500 words. The Arrancar can only sustain their Primera Etapa Incompleta for eight turns. Once this time elapses, the Arrancar's Primera Etapa deactivates and they must wait five turns before using it again.

The complete form, Primera Etapa Completa, can be learned once the Arrancar reaches Adept rank in both Resurrección and their auxiliary skill. Primera Etapa Completa is the same as the Primera Etapa Incompleta, however, it can be sustained indefinitely. Learning Primera Etapa Completa takes at least 2000 words.

The Arrancar can app up to four Primera Etapa techniques when they first submit it for approval, but they can only train one of these initially. They gain an additional slot once they hit Intermediate rank in Resurrección, allowing them to learn another one of these techniques. Once they reach Primera Etapa Completa, they gain an additional two slots, allowing them to learn a total of four Primera Etapa techniques. Additional Primera Etapa technique slots can be purchased using Soul Points.

The template that must be filled out for Primera Etapa is as follows;
Primera Etapa template:

Resurrección: Segunda Etapa

Segunda Etapa is the final Arrancar form, an ultimate state of Resurrección very few Arrancar have ever managed to achieve. Like Primera Etapa, it has an incomplete and complete form. Like the difference between Shikai and Bankai, Segunda Etapa is stronger than Primera Etapa, looks different, and has it's own techniques.

The first state, Segunda Etapa Incompleta, can be learned once the Arrancar acquires Master rank in both Resurrección and their auxiliary skill. Once they have this, they may app their Segunda Etapa using the template below. Your Segunda Etapa must be in the same vein as your Primera Etapa. This means that if your Primera Etapa is spell based, your Segunda Etapa cannot then be Combate based. Once it is approved the Arrancar may train their Segunda Etapa Incompleta. Learning this form of Segunda Etapa takes at least 5000 words. The Arrancar can only sustain Segunda Etapa Incompleta for eight turns. Once this time elapses, the Arrancar's Segunda Etapa deactivates, and they must wait six turns before using it again.

The complete form of Segunda Etapa, Segunda Etapa Completa, can only be used once the Arrancar reaches Transcender rank in both Resurrección and their auxiliary skill. At this point, the Arrancar can train to use Segunda Etapa completa. Learning this form of Segunda Etapa takes at least 8000 words. Segunda Etapa Completa can be sustained indefinitely.

The Arrancar can app up to four Segunda Etapa Completa techniques when they first submit it for approval, but they can only train one of these initially. They gain an additional slot once they reach Grandmaster rank in Resurrección, allowing them to learn another one of these techniques. Once they reach Segunda Etapa completa, they gain an additional two slots, allowing them to learn a total of four Segunda Etapa techniques. Additional Segunda Etapa technique slots can be purchased using Soul Points.

The template that must be filled out for Segunda Etapa is as follows;
Segunda Etapa Template:

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